FAA Consultants (Qualtech)

FAA Consultants

Tammy Reeve has taken over the assets of FAA Consultants (Qualtech), after the death of Todd White, who was a friend and industry colleague.

Tammy is a highly respected level-A FAA DER and consultant, with over 15 years’ experience. She is President of Patmos Engineering services, a company that provides avionics and systems certification services and electronics design work. She is also President of the company “Airworthiness Certification Services,” which provides the tools and templates originating from FAA Consultants/Qualtech. Tammy is deeply involved in the industry groups shaping certification policy and additionally heads the US DO-254 User Group.

If you need consulting services or training for DO-178C, DO-254 or ARP 4754A, please contact info@Patmos-eng.com.

If you are interested in tools and templates to facilitate your DO-178C and/or DO-254 processes, please contact info@airworthinesscert.com.

For all other inquiries related to Qualtech and their offerings, contact Tammy Reeve at:

Patmos Engineering Services
5500 Olympic Drive Suite H-105
Gig Harbor Wa 98335
(425) 427-1956


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